"The Misadventures of the Milams"

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Riley in the Suburban

"Anyone up for a drive?"

Mel Cleaning Dishes

Wow! This is a rare occurance. Melanie is actually doing the dishes herself!


Tubing - Jacob & Jace

Cousins @ Ruidoso, NM

Let the mayhem begin!

Jarrett's Hair Faux Pas

"Where did you get the idea that orange hair was your color? I can't wait to see what your mother has to say."

Re-Model - Kitchen

"I guess we will be eating out tonight. "

Re-Model - Kitchen Stuff

Can you spot the Fritos in this picture?

Fall Trip '05 - Magic Kingdom

"Uh, Mom. Take the picture quickly. There's a street car bearing down on us."
Mel's varation on "Go play in the street" is "Go pose on the tracks."

Fall Trip '05 - Jacob - Go Kart

"Look out!"

Fall Trip '05 - Joel - Go Kart

"Just like a stroll in the country."

Fall Trip '05 - Josh - Go Kart

"They'll never catch me!"

Fall Trip '05 - Jarrett - Go Kart

"Uhmm ... feel the track ... be the Kart ... or OPEN YOUR EYES before you run over someone!"

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Fall Trip '05 - Charlestown - Fort Sumter

Fall Trip '05 - Charlestown - Bay Bridge

Fall Trip '05 - Charlestown - Aircraft Carrier

Fall Trip '05 - Charlestown - Historical

Rainbow Row

Spring Trip '05 - Shanendoah Relaxation

Joel on horseback.

Spring Trip '05 - Jefferson's Monticello

Spring Trip '05 - Marine Corp Memorial

Spring Trip '05 - Wahington's Mount Vernon

Spring Trip '05 - Potomac River

Here is the family beside the Potomac River.

Spring Trip '05 - Arlington Cemetery

... and the parents.

Spring Trip '05 - Arlington Cemetery

We took advantage of foliage the we don't normally see in the West Texas desert to get a nice picture of the kids...

Spring Trip '05 - Arlington Cemetery

Changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Spring Trip '05 - Washington Monument

"Dad, Can I take this home with me?"

Spring Trip '05 - U.S. Capitol Renovation

Jarrett took full advantage of his height and straightened the statute on top of the U.S. Capitol Building.

Spring Trip '05 - U.S. Capitol

Melanie and the children pose in front of the U.S. Capitol Building.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Spring Trip '05 - U.S. Mint

No free samples the day we visited ... imagine that!

A pallet of 20's is $32MM. Wow!

Spring Trip '05 - Whitehouse (Front)

The lesser seen front of the Whitehouse. (I am sure the guy on the roof is some kind of naturalist - doing a little birdwatching or ensuring no one is messing with the squirrels.)

Spring Trip '05 - Whitehouse Guardians

I would not suggest trying to climb the fence. The guys watching the back yard have guns ... big ones ... with scopes. My guess is - they know how to use them.

Spring Trip '05 - Whitehouse (South lawn)

I have seen this view on TV so many times but it was a bit awe inspiring to see it in person.

Spring Trip '05 - U.S. Naval Academy

The United States Naval Academy chapel in Annapolis, MD.

Spring Trip '05 - Maryland Capitol Building

Built in 1772, Maryland's State House is the oldest still in use. It briefly served as the U.S. capitol during our nation's infancy.

Spring Trip '05 - New Jersey Capitol Building

Originally built in 1792, it is the second oldest State House in the U.S.

Spring Trip '05 - Ben's Place

Ben Franklin's residence (right side) and the first Post Office (Left side). Ben was our first Postmaster.

Spring Trip '05 - Independence Hall

Independence Hall in Philadelphia ... Let Freedom Ring!

Spring Trip '05 - The Liberty Bell

Joel and Jacob pose with the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia. (Independence Hall can be seen in the background.)

Spring Trip '05 - Amish Country

The farms of the Amish dotted the rolling hills of the Pennsylvania countryside.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Spring Trip '05 - Amish Transportation

The Amish may have an answer for the high price of gasoline but you have to watch your step in the parking lot.

Spring Trip '05 - Hershey's Chocolate Word

Melanie's vision of an earthly paradise. Even she would be challenged to eat all the chocolate this place could offer ... but she made a valiant effort.

Spring Trip '05 - Pennsylvania Capitol Building

The interior is beautiful. There are wonderful frescos painted throughout.

Spring Trip '05 - West Virginia Capitol Building

What do you suppose they are hiding under that big sheet?

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Spring Trip '05 - Rebecca Ruth's

Candy with a kick. Better have a designated driver if you are going to eat the samples.

Spring Trip '05 - Kentucky Capitol Building

One of the classiest state capitol buildings that we have visited to date.

Spring Trip '05 - Kentucky DOT humor

"I can see the highway has a name ... But, What's its number?"

Spring Trip '05 - Arkansas Capitol Building

Don't look for any granite here. It's still in the river.

Riley at rest

Why would anyone ride this thing when you can sleep on it?

Riley ... later

I'm sure glad my body caught up to my head.

Riley ... then (4 lbs.)

Hey, does my my head look too big for my body?