"The Misadventures of the Milams"

Sunday, January 21, 2007

The Milams - Year 2006 in Review

Follow the link on the right to find out what is going on in the lives of the Milams.

Spring Trip '06 - A Trip to Remember

The following pictures were taken during one of our misadventures of 2006. If you want more of the story follow the link to "The Milams - Year 2006 in Review".

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Spring Trip '06 - Nebraska State Capitol

Our last state capitol of this trip - it was time to make tracks for home.

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Spring Trip '06 - Rapid City - The Maze

The boys took a break from navigating the highways and tried navigating "The Maze".


Spring Trip '06 - Mount Rushmore and the Kids

We took a picture of Josh in front of his future peers.


Spring Trip '06 - Mount Rushmore (2)

This thing is big!


Spring Trip '06 - Mount Rushmore


Spring Trip '06 - South Dakota - 1880 Town

A nice collection of buildings that let us experience the prairie town of the late 1800's.


Spring Trip '06 - South Dakota State Capitol

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Spring Trip '06 - Bismarck - Ft Abraham Lincoln

The barracks were reconstructed to show the soldiers living conditions in the late 1800's. The park also featured the home of General Custer.


Spring Trip '06 - North Dakota State Capitol

Not your usual look in a state capitol.

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Spring Trip '06 - The Badlands

Imagine crossing this in a covered wagon.


Spring Trip '06 - Yellowstone - The Lower Falls

One of the many spectacular views in Yellowstone.


Spring Trip '06 - Yellowstone

We rounded up a couple long sleeves after all.


Spring Trip '06 - Yellowstone - The Boys

Maybe we should have put on some heavier clothes. OH yeah, those were stolen in Vancouver.


Spring Trip '06 - Yellowstone - Wildlife

Where the deer and the buffalo roam ...


Spring Trip '06 - Montana State Capitol

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Spring Trip '06 - Vancouver - The Dessert

Best when shared with someone you love ... NOT! Let them order one of their own.


Spring Trip '06 - Vancouver - The City

It's best when viewed from afar.


Spring Trip '06 - Vancouver - Capilano Suspension Bridge

The family enjoys the splendor of nature at Capilano Suspension Bridge.


Spring Trip '06 - Vancouver - Capilano Suspension Bridge

C'mon Jacob. I promise that it will be fun.


Spring Trip '06 - The U.S. / Canada border

SO ... if we wait in this line for hours, we can be "randomly selected for a complete vehicle inspection". That was exactly what I wanted to do when I got to Canada.


Spring Trip '06 - Washington State Capitol - Guide

Our tour guide was wonderful. She was a wealth of knowledge.


Spring Trip '06 - Washington State Capitol

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Spring Trip '06 - The Oregon Trail

Fortunately, this was not our mode of travel.


Spring Trip '06 - Salem - The Family

The family on the Oregon State Capital grounds. As if we did not have enough people in the vehicle, we also had travel companions, Hopper and Swinger.


Spring Trip '06 - Oregon State Capitol

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Spring Trip '06 - Boise - BSU Football Field

So, it isn't some kind of television phenomena that makes the turf look blue. It's actually blue. Who would have guessed?


Spring Trip '06 - Idaho State Capitol

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Spring Trip '06 - Salt Lake City - Bingham Canyon Copper Mine

This is one big hole in the ground.


Spring Trip '06 - Utah State Capitol

The capitol was closed for renovation. I guess we'll have to make another trip to Salt Lake City in a couple years.

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Spring Trip '06 - Salt Lake City - Gardens near Mormon Tabernacle

Don't let the kids fool you ... we are neither Mormon nor Catholic.


Spring Trip '06 - Salt Lake City - The Organ

The organ in the World Convention Center ... one of two that accompanies the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.


Spring Trip '06 - Wyoming State Capitol

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Spring Trip '06 - Cheyenne Snow

I left West Texas in 90 degree temps. Now it's snowing ...


Spring Trip '06 - Denver - Bronco Jersey

The souvenir jersey ...


Spring Trip '06 - Colorado State Capitol

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Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Riley in the Suburban

"Anyone up for a drive?"

Mel Cleaning Dishes

Wow! This is a rare occurance. Melanie is actually doing the dishes herself!


Tubing - Jacob & Jace

Cousins @ Ruidoso, NM

Let the mayhem begin!

Jarrett's Hair Faux Pas

"Where did you get the idea that orange hair was your color? I can't wait to see what your mother has to say."

Re-Model - Kitchen

"I guess we will be eating out tonight. "

Re-Model - Kitchen Stuff

Can you spot the Fritos in this picture?

Fall Trip '05 - Magic Kingdom

"Uh, Mom. Take the picture quickly. There's a street car bearing down on us."
Mel's varation on "Go play in the street" is "Go pose on the tracks."

Fall Trip '05 - Jacob - Go Kart

"Look out!"

Fall Trip '05 - Joel - Go Kart

"Just like a stroll in the country."

Fall Trip '05 - Josh - Go Kart

"They'll never catch me!"

Fall Trip '05 - Jarrett - Go Kart

"Uhmm ... feel the track ... be the Kart ... or OPEN YOUR EYES before you run over someone!"

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Fall Trip '05 - Charlestown - Fort Sumter

Fall Trip '05 - Charlestown - Bay Bridge